When you aim your camera and press the shutter relaease, you might think you are photographing your subject.  However, to be more accurate, you are photographing the LIGHT  that falls on the subject and reflects back to your lens and film.  Think about what is happening: you are actually RECORDING LIGHT.  It’s all about LIGHT.

Do you sleep with a teddy bear or other stuffed animal? Bring him / her to school with you — or pick another object you carry around, such as your backpack. Look around for a spot with an interesting background and place your teddy bear so that it fills at least half of the frame but also reveals some of the background. Decide whether to turn the camera vertical or horizontal.

Without changing anything at all, take three images each of the same object at the same place and from the same angle at these different times of day:

  • Before homeroom
  • As close to 10 a,m. as possible
  • As close to noon as possible
  • As close to 2 p.m. as possible
  • After 4 p.m.

The point os this assignment is to notice how light changes the character of what we see.  Which time of day and which image do you prefer?

In addition to all of the above, make interesting images!


  • Choose an interesting background.  You are responsible for the WHOLE rectangle.
  • Avoid shooting into the sun, so that sunlight is hitting the glass on the front of your lens.
  • If your image has a center of interest, place it off-center, not smack in the middle of the photo.
  • Gently SQUEEZE the shutter release to minimize camera shake.